Latest Developments:
Toilet Crisis has been solved and we have retained nearly half of the funds to complete the project! Thanks for your donations and keep them coming if you feel in the giving mood... Special thanks to the anonymous donations! That was a big surprise
the Snackettes have returned from their journey to Florida and Disneyworld with their grandparents. They are still raving about their first plane flight and meeting Mickey Mouse himself. We have also planted some tasty treats in the garden - all this spring rain is pushing up the corn, beans, pumpkins, and watermelon day by day
I was able to retreat to Wrightsville Beach for a week while the ladies were on hiatus. I had a great time - no laptop, no cell phone, no work calls, no *snacks* except my own! Ha! Hotel on the sand..... my my my my
It's looking like a big weekend here at the Snack Machine: birthdays, parties, Stanley Cup playoffs [Dad treat] and who knows what else. the Snackmaster has had a week+ off of snack duties - I better get ready :^)