
A Trip to the Greenville SC Zoo - Ida threw this tortoise a cracker (to his left side) several minutes later he had a snack! Posted by Hello

Ingrid is a budding photographer - here's one of the Elephant... Posted by Hello

Trip to the Greenville SC Zoo! - One of the first creatures we encountered was the Ida-Toucan... Posted by Hello


'Famous Ice Cream Cones' - Ida [2005] : Mixed Media - Fingerpaint, brush, and appetite :^)  Posted by Hello

'Diva Cat' - Ingrid [2005] : We experimented with rorschach prints this weekend. She saw the feline nuances and painted the rest. Posted by Hello


We beat the snow storm and headed up to Uncle Christian & Aunt Lauren's for the weekend. Ida plays with Mingus while Ingrid and Aunt Lauren hone their artistic skills... Posted by Hello